The Local Housing and Employment Strategy developed for Lockhart Shire analyses the shifting demographics, existing land supply, residentially and industrially zoned land, and the opportunities and constraints to the future transformation of the Shire.

It provides an integrated framework for managing further residential, commercial, and industrial growth and development of the Shire over the next 20 years, specifically for Lockhart and The Rock; including recommendations for residential and employment land uses that would best support economic opportunities for the changing towns.

The plan reviews the state (NSW) planning policies and priorities, demographic profiles and projections of the Shire including population, existing housing supply and sales data; land use and zoning, and constraints. Recommendations have been provided for, including a roadmap to how the proposed actions are to be implemented and reviewed.

The Strategy was informed by detailed policy review, research and analysis with consideration to earlier research published in the Local Profile and Issues Paper (LPIP), Lockhart Environmental Plan 2012 (the LEP), and with community consultation.

Client: Lockhart Shire Council
Disciplines: Town Planning, Strategic Planning
Location: Lockhart Shire – Lockhart, The Rock, Milbrulong, Yerong Creek, Pleasant Hills
Date: 2023
Imagery: Matt Beaver, Grant Higginson, Destination NSW, Lockhart Shire Council

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