Habitat assisted with the identification, design, rezoning and approval of a new private thoroughbred trainers village adjacent to the Wangaratta Turf Club. The intention of the proposal was to establish lots which could be used for high performance trainers as a main stable or regional satellite.
The team was first engaged at the initial scoping phase of the project, and facilitated discussions between trainers, the Wangaratta Turf Club, Council and other industry representatives before producing a master plan for the precinct. The Master Plan was used throughout the project to guide discussions around the planning and development process for the new precinct.
As a unique project, the team was required to undertake careful space planning based on feedback from industry stakeholders and agencies to ensure the master plan was responsive to the needs of high performance thoroughbred trainers.
Building on the knowledge gained through the master planning, Habitat were engaged by the developer to undertake a planning scheme amendment and seek planning permit approval for the new development. To ensure the integrity of the master plan, Habitat also prepared design guidelines to be enforced on the development of each property.